Best Things To Do In Cairo In August

Cairo is one of the most fascinating cities in the world and despite the August heat, it is an unforgettable visit. Here's a list of the must-see sights in August.

Best Things To Do In Cairo In August

Cairo | ©Omar Elsharawy

While the August heat may scare some, in most cases the discomfort is forgotten when you're visiting all of Cairo's attractions. From the pyramids to its fantastic museum, the Coptic Quarter to the Citadel of Saladin, every corner of the city holds unforgettable sights for travellers.

August is part of the low season for international tourism, but you'll find plenty of local tourists during this time. Regardless of where you come from, Cairo offers some worthwhile events at this time of year, from a fantastic festival in an incomparable setting to one of the few traditions dating back to the time of the pharaohs.

1. Attend the Saladin Citadel Music Festival

View from the Citadel| ©Airton Morassi
View from the Citadel| ©Airton Morassi

One of the highlights of August in Cairo is this music festival held in the truly unbeatable setting of the Saladin Citadel. For a couple of weeks every year, Cairoites who have stuck it out in the city despite the heat and many visitors flock here for a series of concerts and performances after dark.

Until a few years ago, the festival only hosted Egyptian musicians, but nowadays it has started to book artists from all over the Arab world. Normally, although you should check the official programme, there are a couple of concerts a day, the first at 8pm and the next at 10pm.

The venue of this festival deserves a special mention. A visit to the Saladin Citadel is a must for anyone who has travelled to Cairo. Inside its walled enclosure you will be able to see monuments such as the impressive Gawhara Palace, the military museum, the mosque of Sultan Hassan and the mosque of Ibn Tulun, among others.

If you go to the concerts, I recommend that you try to go to one of the higher parts of the citadel to admire the wonderful views it has to offer.

Tickets for the festival are also quite cheap, as they only cost around 5 Egyptian pounds, or just about 30 cents.

Book a guided tour of Cairo

2. Get close to the river to see the Wafaa al-Nil Festival celebration

Nile River| ©Gustavo4
Nile River| ©Gustavo4

Those in Cairo on 15 August will have the opportunity to witness one of the few celebrations in Egypt that originated during the time of the Pharaohs. Wafaa al-Nil, the 'Bride of the Nile', is a festival associated with the Nile River and celebrated along its entire length.

According to legend, in ancient times the Egyptians sacrificed a young virgin by throwing her into the Nile to ask the gods to bring them good harvests. Today, the tradition continues, but, of course, the woman has been replaced by a wooden or clay doll dressed as a bride.

In addition, a number of events are held on the banks of the river on this day, both in Cairo and elsewhere. Among the most interesting are musical concerts, poetry sessions and, if you dare, painting competitions.

3. Take a short evening cruise on the Nile with dinner included

Sunset on the Nile| ©Ennio
Sunset on the Nile| ©Ennio

Although it's possible to take a Nile cruise during the day, my advice is that if you've travelled in August you should opt for a sunset cruise. Not only to avoid the heat you'd get on deck when the sun is shining, but also to enjoy a different view of the illuminated city and, perhaps, the stars above your head.

These short but interesting cruises often include a typical Egyptian dinner, either buffet style or prepared on the spot by a wonderful chef. More often than not, there is also entertainment on board, especially belly dancing performances or traditional music played live.

Book a Nile cruise

4. Attend a performance at the Arabian Music Festival

Cairo Theatre| ©Jessica Splain
Cairo Theatre| ©Jessica Splain

Besides visiting monuments such as the Egyptian Museum or bazaars such as Khan el Khalili, visiting Egypt is also a way of getting to know its culture. At the beginning of August, those interested in Arab music have the opportunity to attend one of the concerts of this festival.

During the days of the festival, Cairo hosts the best artists from Egypt and the rest of the Arab world. The event is organised by the prestigious Opera House, but the performances take place at the Giza Exhibition Centre, in the neighbourhood where the pyramids are located.

5. Sound and Light Show at the Pyramids

Pyramids of the Pyramids Light Show| ©Carmen
Pyramids of the Pyramids Light Show| ©Carmen

I am sure that one of the first things you will do in Cairo is to take a tour of the pyramids, either on your own or with a guide. However, I suggest you go there at night to see one of the greatest spectacles in the world: the sound and light show at the pyramids themselves.

At the times when the different sessions take place, the temperatures will have dropped a lot and you will certainly be more comfortable than when you go to see the pyramids during the day. This, although important, is not the best thing about attending this show, as you will be amazed by the images projected with laser beams while you learn some history.

The images are projected onto the walls of the pyramids themselves, the walls of the temple of the Mummification and the desert sand, creating an immersive sensation. Meanwhile, the mysterious voice of the Sphinx narrates various episodes in the history of ancient Egypt and, of course, the construction of the pyramids as tombs for the pharaohs.

Practical info on the Nile

To go to see the sound and light show you can do it on your own (buy a ticket at the ticket office) or hire a guided tour that includes them. The latter is, in my opinion, the best option if your hotel is not in the pyramids area.

Although the narration is in English, at the ticket office you will be given a headset that you can program to listen to it in Spanish. Once you enter, you will have to go to a kind of open-air theatre set up for the occasion.

In August you can choose between three different times every day of the week: 19:30, 20:30 and 21:30.

Book your tour to the Sound and Light Show at the Pyramids

6. Take an excursion to Alexandria for the International Summer Festival

Sunset in Alexandria| ©anitaconchita
Sunset in Alexandria| ©anitaconchita

The coastal city of Alexandria is a great destination for a day trip from Cairo, especially in August when the temperature is a little cooler. It's always worth a visit, but if you go at this time of year you'll be able to attend its most important cultural event: the International Summer Festival at the Alexandrina Library.

The Alexandrina claims to be the successor to the famous Alexandria library of the ancient world, which was said to house a copy of every book ever published and was destroyed in a fire. The current one is located right on the seafront* and, if you can, I recommend you go and see it when its marvellous night-time lighting comes on.

The festival is usually held in the second half of August. It features performances by all kinds of artists, both Egyptian and international. One of its attractions is the mix of styles, as you can find everything from classical performances to Egyptian rock bands, puppet theatre and ballet.

Even if you can't stay long enough to attend the festival (which would probably require an overnight stay), a visit to Alexandria is still a very interesting experience.

Besides the pleasant promenade, this ancient port city offers many attractions for visitors, such as the Abu al-Abbas al-Muni Mosque, the National Museum of Alexandria and the remains of Cleopatra's palace.

How to get from Cairo to Alexandria

The easiest and most convenient way to get there is to book one of the excursions to Alexandria that leave from Cairo. You will be able to choose between different options: by car or by bus, for a day trip or an overnight stay, etc.

Another option, although quite expensive, is to hire a taxi driver for a whole day. The trip takes about 3 hours, so in addition to the price, you'll have to adjust your schedule so that your stay in the city isn't too short if you want to return to Cairo to sleep.

The train option is more economical. There is a train leaving Midan Ramses station almost every hour from 6am onwards. You can find tickets for less than €3.

Finally, there are also many buses that make this journey. The most convenient company (because of where their station is located in Cairo) is Go Bus. The departure point is on one side of Tahrir Square and in Alexandria they drop you off about 6km from the Alexandrina Library, so you'll probably have to take a taxi. The fare is a few cents more expensive than the train fare.

Book a tour to Alexandria

7. Spend a few hours relaxing in Al Azhar Park.

Al-Azhar Park| ©Jesse
Al-Azhar Park| ©Jesse

One of the things that many people miss in Cairo, especially when the August heat begins to consume their strength, is a green area in which to spend some time. Well, right in the centre of the city, among its most populated districts, you'll find a real oasis: Al Azhar Park.

This almost one-kilometre-long garden was designed following the traditional Islamic geometry for this type of space. Inside you will be able to enjoy several fountains, a large lake and several streams of water which, all together, create a pleasant and cooler atmosphere than in the middle of Cairo's horrible traffic.

In addition, the whole complex is full of diverse plant species (almost 325 varieties of plants), although the palm trees stand out, of course. If you come with children, the park also has a play area for them.

As if all of the above were not enough, from the park you will have spectacular views of the Citadel of Saladin and the Mohammed Ali Mosque. If you go after sunset, you'll be able to see these monuments beautifully illuminated.

Of course, there is also a food court, with several cafes, a pastry shop and a great restaurant.

The park is open daily in August between 9:00 am and 2:00 pm and admission is only around 50 euro cents.

8. Take a tour of several mosques and escape the heat outside

Muhammad Ali Mosque| ©Scott Edmunds
Muhammad Ali Mosque| ©Scott Edmunds

According to many experts, Cairo is the city with the finest examples of Islamic architecture in the world. The best example is undoubtedly its spectacular mosques.

Apart from their artistic and religious interest, these mosques are the perfect place to escape for a while from the heat and bustle outside. Inside, due to the way they are built, it is usually much cooler, making them a perfect visit in August. Here are four of the most important ones:

  • Mohammed Ali Mosque: also known as the Alabaster Mosque because of the material used to cover its lower floors, this temple is located in an elevated area inside the Citadel of Saladin. Inside you will find a tranquillity that will make you forget that you are in a bustling city like Cairo.
  • Sultan Hassan Mosque-Madrasa: this medieval temple is still an active mosque today. After taking your shoes off to enter, I recommend you find a place to sit and enjoy the peace and quiet.
  • Ibn-Tulun Mosque: considered to be the oldest example of Muslim art in Egypt, having been completed in 879, its enormous size makes it the third largest mosque in the world.
  • Al-Azhar Mosque: In addition to its architectural value, the Al-Azhar Mosque (which houses an Islamic university) is one of the most important religious centres in Sunni Islam. With its mix of styles, it is an essential visit to understand the country.

Book a guided tour of Cairo

9. Take a horseback ride around the pyramids at sunset.

The Pyramids of Giza| ©Hipses
The Pyramids of Giza| ©Hipses

I'm sure that when you have visited the pyramids you will have seen many Egyptians offering camel or horseback rides in the area. In August, because of the heat, I don't recommend you take them up on their offer during the day, but wait until the evening to experience the experience.

Both the horses and yourself will be in a better position when the temperatures have dropped somewhat, and there are usually fewer tourists in the area so you'll be able to take it easy.

If you don't go on a tour that includes this ride or with a guide, I advise you to ask your hotel what the normal price of the activity is. Then, when negotiating with the animal's owner, you will have to decide what is your limit to accept the offer.

10. Go out and enjoy the night in Cairo

Streets of Cairo| ©ASaber91
Streets of Cairo| ©ASaber91

Life in Cairo during the month of August seems to awaken as the afternoon progresses. As the heat begins to subside, the streets become even more crowded and locals and tourists alike sit out on the terraces to relax and have a drink. If you want to make the most of a night on the town, you'll find more options than you think, including some western-style nightclubs.

In some cases, the difference between a club, a bar or even a restaurant is not very clear, as all venues offer food and drink. For those who want peace and quiet, a good place to go is Midan al-Hussein, while jazz lovers can't miss the fantastic Cairo Jazz Club.

On the other hand, most hotels have their own bars or nightclubs. The most popular are Harry's Pub at the Cairo Marriott Hotel, Windows on the World at the Ramses Hilton, the Sultan Bar at the Mena House and Jackie's Joint at the Nile Hilton.

Weather in Cairo in August

Cairo Tower| ©Ahmedsantos
Cairo Tower| ©Ahmedsantos

It's always advisable to check the weather forecast shortly before you travel, but be warned that there are few surprises in store. August, along with July, is the hottest month of the year, with average highs reaching 35°C and average lows (to put it mildly) of 24°C.

This obviously means that you should pack cool cotton clothing, a hat and sun protection. The most important thing is to stay hydrated, so carry a bottle of water with you and drink frequently even if you don't feel thirsty.